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Bank Nizwa recently provided fire warden and first aider training to 38 of its employees as part of its vigorous Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) policy. A translation of the bank’s ongoing commitment to adopting best practices in the workplace, the course was organized to ensure the safest, most risk free and productive work environment possible for employees, visitors and contractors.
Bank Nizwa launched the 2017 edition of its ‘Islamic Finance Knowledge Series’ with several workshops in the Governorates of Al Dhahirah, North Al Sharqiyah and South Al Sharqiyah as part of its longstanding dedication to share the benefits of Shari’a-compliant banking with local communities.
Bank Nizwa, represented by CEO Khalid Al Kayed, participated in an open session at the Muscat Securities Market (MSM) to discuss the bank’s financial performance, future strategy, and the global outlook of the Islamic finance sector.
Bank Nizwa recently participated as the lead partner in the 4th Governance and Ethics Board Conference (AGEB) held by the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI).
Reflecting Islamic finance’s continued surge in popularity in Oman, Bank Nizwa recorded its first net profit since inception in 2013. Witnessing unparalleled growth over the last four years, the bank has led the sector from the start, establishing a foundation for its continued traction among entrepreneurs, investors and the public from every segment in the Sultanate.