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Bank Nizwa received the Best Islamic Bank in Oman Award from Islamic Finance News (IFN) during a recently held ceremony in Dubai. The prestigious award was received on behalf of the bank by Salim Rashid Al Maharbi, Chief Financial Officer of Bank Nizwa. More than 400 industry leaders from around the world attended the awards event.
As part of Bank Nizwa’s strategy to nurture and promote Omani talent, the Board of Directors of Oman’s first Islamic Bank, has announced the appointment of Salim Rashid Ali Al Maharbi as its Chief Financial Officer.
Supported by Bank Nizwa, entrepreneurs from across the Sultanate and the GCC showcased their products at the Omani Entrepreneurs' Charity Exhibition, organized by the Association for the Welfare of Handicapped Children.
Bank Nizwa, Oman’s fastest growing and leading Islamic bank, organized a special dinner event for Wholesale Banking clients in Muscat to highlight Islamic finance as the way forward for institutions, corporate and enterprises to further grow their businesses across all industries.
Under the auspices of H.E. Sheikh Rashid bin Said Al Kalbani, Wali of Nizwa, Bank Nizwa, Oman’s preferred Islamic bank, has launched its first wealth management center in Nizwa.