Wednesday March 23, 2022

Keeping pace with a dynamic market, and cementing its position as Oman’s most trusted Islamic bank, Bank Nizwa places utmost importance on employee skill enhancement as an indispensable part of its human capital development. Acknowledging the role its employees play in helping realize the long-term ambitions of the bank, Bank Nizwa encourages continuous learning and a healthy competitive environment for employees in order to prepare them for more challenging positions.
In adherence to its fundamental values of promoting employee wellbeing and growth, the bank, last year, introduced a leadership program, HiPo. This innovative program was initiated to identify, target and promote middle management employees to executive management posts. Geared at high potential employees who had demonstrated their unfaltering dedication to achieving organizational goals, proven their abilities at different tasks and exhibited leadership traits by handling complex work scenarios, the program was yet another strategic initiative to encourage employees to strive for excellence at the workplace. With the first batch of employees graduating on 21 March, Bank Nizwa applauded their efforts and congratulated them on completing the program.
Commenting on the program, Haifa Al Lawati, Assistant General Manager, Human Resources at Bank Nizwa said, “Bank Nizwa has always placed great emphasis on continued learning, charted well-defined roadmaps for career progression and imbibed amongst its workforce the zeal to excel as leaders. The HiPo leadership program not only helps capable employees assume new leadership roles at the executive management level but also ensures healthy competition amongst the workforce, motivating them to perform at their optimum levels. By investing in our human capital today, we will be able to create visionary leaders and managers for tomorrow. The Sultanate has an ambitious local workforce who have showcased utmost diligence in executing their responsibilities, reserve the skills to achieve sustainable results and possess an inherent enthusiasm to make a difference. Through platforms like HiPo, we want to support the long-term aspirations of our team and aid in their personal and professional growth.”
To ensure an unbiased succession plan and transparency in the procedures, all participating employees were assessed by a third-party consultant. Highly qualified middle management employees were selected for the succession plan and underwent several assessments including the Hogan Leadership Assessment and Hogan Personality Test, as well as Maxwell international leadership training and development program. A number of areas are addressed which included industry awareness, communication skills, technological proficiency and soft skills.
Acknowledging continued career growth as a key element to keep employees motivated, Bank Nizwa has laid out well-defined targets and goals to boost employee performance. By focusing on continuously upskilling its employees and enhancing their capabilities, Bank Nizwa seeks to adhere to industry best practices, improve efficiency, productivity and satisfaction at the workplace and retain talents.
The HiPo leadership program is an ongoing initiative that will focus on regular training activities and is a testament to the bank’s efforts towards enhancing its human capital. Considering its employees as its most valuable asset, Bank Nizwa has remained steadfast in spearheading programs that focus on continuous learning, development and growth.